Change the World

I don’t have Endo, so what should I do to help??

With the estimated number of women with Endometriosis being somewhere around 1-in-10. Almost everyone either has Endo or knows someone who has it. So, What can you do?

Educate those around you

Education is the first step towards making changes. Maybe all you can do is educate one person, but that one person may take up our cross and advocate for us. Maybe that one person is your doctor, but doctors know everything. Many doctors don’t know jack squat about Endo. Maybe you can take it upon yourself to educate your GP. Maybe you educate your family or your friends. Maybe you educate anyone willing to read your social media.

Get Involved

So you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone and educated those around you, what’s next? Get involved in a charity or in activism. For a list of national organizations by country, click here. Also, if you are a patient, you could get involved in a study such as, The Equinox Study or any listed on this site.. *ALWAYS discuss clinical trials with your doctor before participating.*


Protest. That isn’t a word most expect to be associated with a disease like Endo. Y’all Endo is prevalent in our society and yet women’s healthcare is so stigmatized. Break the stigma. Protest the lack of standards of care. Protest the lack of education in healthcare professionals. Protest the fact that more research goes into balding hair than a major debilitating disease. Protest the fact that women with Endo are silenced because their experiences are “all in their heads.” Protest these realities for you or your mother, or your sister, or your daughter, or your friend. Protest these for the community of women who live their lives in pain daily.


Don’t feel like you have the knowledge or the words? Repost information and articles on Facebook and Instagram. Share a post from a friend about the realities of this disease. Publicize your friends words so they can reach more people. Support them in their quest to change the world of Endo.

Author: thrivingwithendo

Hey yall I'm just a young girl blogging about her experience with Endometriosis!!

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