Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

So what the actual heck is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD)?? PFD is an issue within a woman’s pelvic floor where her muscles tense up and spasm

Here we go again. I am just over 2 years post hysterectomy, but I am sick. I am in pain and nauseated and I’m vomiting. I haven’t eaten real food in 3 days. I’ve thrown up 5 times in those same 3 days. I saw a specialist in Tennessee and he diagnosed me with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, but he also admits my symptoms could be from Endometriosis again.

So what the actual heck is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD)?? PFD is an issue within a woman’s pelvic floor where her muscles tense up and spasm. It is diagnosed through a pelvic exam and can be treated with medicine or PT or a combination. For me, I am taking Zofran for nausea, Tramadol for pain, Nortrel as birth control in case it is Endo, and vaginal suppositories of Lidocaine, Cyclobenzeprene, and Valium to relax my muscles. I am also going to pelvic floor physical therapy twice a week despite COVID-19.

Pelvic Floor PT consists of a lot of stretching. I also have scar massages to break up the tissue under my surgical scars. Occasionally, my physical therapist does internal work where she manipulates muscles by inserting a finger into my vagina and pressing against the tight muscles. Overall, PT leaves me feeling like I got ht by a truck. I don’t want to do anything else for the rest of the day. In some ways, COVID-19 may be a blessing** as I don’t have to leave my house after PT.

I am ready to be done with this whole mess. It gets tiring feeling like you are fighting a losing battle. Iv’e been in PT for almost a month and haven’t seen any differences. I am hoping I’ll see improvement soon. I just want to have my life back. I am supposed to be planning a wedding, not wondering if I’ll even feel like walking on my wedding day. I should be enjoying time home with my family, not sleeping most of the day. I should be able to enjoy food without worrying about whether or not it is an easy food to throw up. I should be exercising to get ready for my wedding. I should be living, but I’m NOT! I am a shell of the girl I was before this all started back up. I have no motivation to do anything anymore. My days consist of sleeping in my bed and sleeping on the couch with a little school work and some work from home in-between.

Has anyone been through this? Does anyone have advice? I feel so defeated right now.

(**DISCLAIMER: I know COVID-19 is devastating for people who are sick or know someone who is sick. I am in no way discounting what they are dealing with. Please understand I am just looking for the silver lining to the storm)

Author: thrivingwithendo

Hey yall I'm just a young girl blogging about her experience with Endometriosis!!

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